Access Useful Info

Live Sessions Chairs

  • All sessions will be performed as ZOOM webinars, so only speakers, chairs, presenters, and host (technical staff), will be visible to each other and to the attendees.
  • You will receive an email with the credentials to access the event as panelist: direct zoom link with no password
  • You will receive another email with the credentials to access the event as attendee: link to the main page of the event, USERNAME and PASSWORD
  • If you do not receive the credentials as attendee (please check the e-mail spam folder too), please send an email to: 
  • For your Session, access the ZOOM webinar (direct zoom link) 10 minutes early. You will appear as a “panelist”, like all the speakers, chairs and/or presenter 
  • If you need a practice/test session, a technician will be available during the time of the Conference, from Tuesday 28th to Thursday 30th, at the following link:
  • Please try to let start the speaker presentation possibly on time. 
  • You may communicate with speaker, presenter and/or technical staff, through the chat function, during the presentation
  • A count-down timer will be available to help the speaker to stay on schedule; please help the speaker, if necessary
  • During each presentation, with the presenter and/or technical staff, please collect all questions for the speaker from the Q&A function
  • At the end of the presentation, with the presenter and/or technical staff, please help the speaker to answer all the questions
  • At the end of your session, please leave the webinar as panelist and access as attendee.